SEAI BER assessors Limerick

SEAI BER Assessors Limerick

Energy Use by Limerick Homes

Buildings are responsible for more than 20% of the Limerick’s energy consumption and carbon emissions.  Registered SEAI BER assessors Limerick Energy Rating help promote the improvement of energy performance for buildings.  The BER assessors Limerick Energy Rating form part of the implementation of the EU directive for energy performance of buildings passed in 2007.

Improving Energy Efficiency

Building regulations and subsequent amendments since 2010 set out the energy performance requirements and building principles to be used to improve energy efficiency of domestic dwellings. The energy efficiency rating of individual buildings should be available so that customers know the potential energy demand of a building when sold or rented. 

Our SEAI BER assessors Limerick offer a fast and efficient service. We can make recommendations on how the efficiency of your dwelling can be improved. BER certs are valid for 10-years and can be reused as required within that period. Auctioneers and other third parties must ensure a BER assessment has been conducted before they can market a dwelling for sale or rent. 


BER Certs Limerick

Landlords, sellers and agents must show an BER free of charge to interested parties when they make an enquiry.

When a new dwelling is constructed it is the responsibility of the developer to provide a provisional BER during construction and a final BER when the dwelling it is physically completed. Official energy surveys of domestic buildings can only assessed and published by registered SEAI BER assessors. 

SEAI BER Assessors Limerick

SEAI BER Assessors Limerick Energy Rating are qualified individuals trained and accredited to make onsite assessments and use specific software to generate BER certs. Assessors must be registered with the SEAI. The SEAI ensure that assessors are competent and make periodic quality checks and audits on all assessors work.

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)

The SEAI’s focus is for Ireland’s consumed energy to be clean, affordable and sustainable. To reach this, Ireland must rely less on fossil fuels to provide energy, move to clean energy, and create new solutions to meet our future energy needs. Leading the transition to smarter and more sustainable energy activities is central to what the SEAI does.

more information on the work of the SEAI can be found on thier website

Domestic SEAI BER Assessors Limerick

Domestic Assessors require a NFQ Level 6 Advanced Certificate/Higher Certificate in construction studies (or similar) or a recognised equivalent. Equivalence maybe defined as a combination of an appropriate construction-related qualification and significant relevant experience. All BER assessors Limerick Energy Rating are suitable qualified.


BER assessment Limerick

A domestic energy assessment is required for a property when the decision is made to rent or sell. Your assessment can be completed by our registered SEAI BER Assessor Limerick who will produce your energy performance rating BER cert. 
The BER cert will provide information to potential buyers and tenants about the energy usage of your dwelling and how this relates to cost, as well as offering suggestions on how they can cut their energy use, shrink their bills and reduce their carbon footprint
A Building Energy Rating certificate (BER) is required before a Limerick property can be put up for sale or rent. There are some exceptions where an energy survey isn’t required including national monuments,
protected structures or proposed protected structures,
places of worship or buildings used for the religious activities,
certain temporary buildings and some industrial buildings which are not intended for extended human occupancy.

Getting a BER Cert in Limerick

If you require a domestic BER cert, you will need to use an SEAI registered BER assessor to carry out the assessment. BER assessors Limerick Energy Rating are accredited and qualified to produce energy certs having completed training programs and received qualifications to understand a building’s energy efficiency. Only an assessor who is insured, accredited and registered with the sustainable energy authority of Ireland can carry out domestic energy BER surveys.
During the assessment the energy assessor will calculate the area that is seen as the ‘building envelope’ so that they can establish how much heat is being lost by the building through doors, windows, roofs and walls. They will inspect heaters, boilers, heating controls and fireplaces and note the type of fuel that is used. They will assess the construction of the main house and any extensions and record their age.
During the assessment, the BER assessors Limerick will establish which, if any insulation is present in and on walls and in the attic. To do this they will need to gain access to any loft to do so. 
They will also record if you are using low-energy lighting in your home. They examine which type of glass is fitted in the windows, whether there is draught proofing, and whether any upgrade works or retrofit has been completed.
Their calculations are then input into a special software program me called DEAP, which produces an efficiency rating from Band A down to Band G. The BER performance certificate is then provided to the property owner.

What is a BER?

If you’ve never had a BER energy assessment before, you might not understand exactly what all the details correspond to. The certificate contains two specific energy ratings. The first is the energy-efficiency rating. This will be graded from very poor band G to very good band A. The second rating indicates the environmental impact regarding carbon dioxide (CO2) of the property and uses the same band G to band A scale. Once it’s issued a BER cert is valid for 10 years unless changes or new efficiency improvements are made to the property.
Your home will be rated according to it’s current condition but as well as this the cert demonstrates the potential that the building has with improved measures. The cert will also provide recommendations on how the BER can be improved, which is useful both for the current owners and anyone looking to buy or rent it. There are normally a range of low and higher cost measures that can be undertaken, from changing to low-energy lighting through to installing heat pumps and energy efficient heating systems.


Benefits of Having current BER cert.

It is a requirement to have a BER cert before selling or letting your property, but there are also benefits for the current owner in getting a good rating. This will show potential buyers or tenants that the property is as energy-efficient as it can be and that it will cost less to run than other properties with a lower BER rating. In order to achieve the best possible BER rating for your home, it’s a good idea to make some improvements before the BER Assessor arrives. These don’t have to be expensive, but they can make a big difference to the energy-efficiency of a dwelling.
Around 50% of the properties in the Ireland are graded D or lower in their assessment. This means that there is considerable opportunity to ensure your property stands out in the market if you can improve its energy efficiency rating. You can potentially increase the value of your property by improving the BER rating, and the asking price could rise by several percentage points if you do so.

Finding a BER Assessor Limerick.

When you’re looking for a local BER assessor, it’s mandatory that you use one who is accredited with the SEAI and qualified to carry out the property survey. Otherwise your BER won’t be issued or will be invalid, and you will incur extra costs to have a legitimate assessment done. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland maintains a register of assessors that you can search online. You can also check if specific BER assessors limerick are registered. This means you can be guaranteed the credentials of the BER assessor that you’re using.
We offer a fast domestic energy rating service. So when you have your BER energy assessment issued, you will be all set to put your dwelling on the market. This might seem like an additional charge and inconvenience when you’re selling or renting your home but it could actually be of benefit to you and make it easier for you to let or sell if the building rating is better than for other properties in your area.

BER assessment Limerick

A domestic energy assessment is required for a property when the decision is made to rent or sell. Your assessment can be completed by our registered SEAI BER Assessor Limerick who will produce your energy performance rating BER cert. 
The BER cert will provide information to potential buyers and tenants about the energy usage of your dwelling and how this relates to cost, as well as offering suggestions on how they can cut their energy use, shrink their bills and reduce their carbon footprint
A Building Energy Rating certificate (BER) is required before a Limerick property can be put up for sale or rent. There are some exceptions where an energy survey isn’t required including national monuments,
protected structures or proposed protected structures,
places of worship or buildings used for the religious activities,
certain temporary buildings and some industrial buildings which are not intended for extended human occupancy.

Getting a BER Cert in Limerick

If you require a domestic BER cert, you will need to use an SEAI registered BER assessor to carry out the assessment. BER assessors Limerick Energy Rating are accredited and qualified to produce energy certs having completed training programs and received qualifications to understand a building’s energy efficiency. Only an assessor who is insured, accredited and registered with the sustainable energy authority of Ireland can carry out domestic energy BER surveys.
During the assessment the energy assessor will calculate the area that is seen as the ‘building envelope’ so that they can establish how much heat is being lost by the building through doors, windows, roofs and walls. BER assessors Limerick Energy Rating will inspect heaters, boilers, heating controls and fireplaces and note the type of fuel that is used. They will assess the construction of the main house and any extensions and record their age.
During the assessment BER assessors Limerick will establish which, if any insulation is present in and on walls and in the attic. To do this they will need to gain access to any loft to do so. 
They will also record if you are using low-energy lighting in your home. They examine which type of glass is fitted in the windows, whether there is draught proofing, and whether any upgrade works or retrofit has been completed.
BER assessors Limerick Energy Rating calculations are then input into a special software program me called DEAP, which produces an efficiency rating from Band A down to Band G. The BER performance certificate is then provided to the property owner.

What is a BER?

If you’ve never had a BER energy assessment before, you might not understand exactly what all the details correspond to. The certificate contains two specific energy ratings. The first is the energy-efficiency rating. This will be graded from very poor band G to very good band A. The second rating indicates the environmental impact regarding carbon dioxide (CO2) of the property and uses the same band G to band A scale. Once it’s issued a BER cert is valid for 10 years unless changes or new efficiency improvements are made to the property.
Your home will be rated according to it’s current condition but as well as this the cert demonstrates the potential that the building has with improved measures. The cert will also provide recommendations on how the BER can be improved, which is useful both for the current owners and anyone looking to buy or rent it. There are normally a range of low and higher cost measures that can be undertaken, from changing to low-energy lighting through to installing heat pumps and energy efficient heating systems.


Benefits of Having current BER cert.

It is a requirement to have a BER cert before selling or letting your property, but there are also benefits for the current owner in getting a good rating. This will show potential buyers or tenants that the property is as energy-efficient as it can be and that it will cost less to run than other properties with a lower BER rating. In order to achieve the best possible BER rating for your home, it’s a good idea to make some improvements before the BER Assessor arrives. These don’t have to be expensive, but they can make a big difference to the energy-efficiency of a dwelling.
Around 50% of the properties in the Ireland are graded D or lower in their assessment. This means that there is considerable opportunity to ensure your property stands out in the market if you can improve its energy efficiency rating. You can potentially increase the value of your property by improving the BER rating, and the asking price could rise by several percentage points if you do so.

Finding a BER Assessor Limerick.

When you’re looking for a local BER assessor, it’s mandatory that you use one who is accredited with the SEAI and qualified to carry out the property survey. Otherwise your BER won’t be issued or will be invalid, and you will incur extra costs to have a legitimate assessment done. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland maintains a register of assessors that you can search online. You can also check if specific BER assessors limerick are registered. This means you can be guaranteed the credentials of the BER assessor that you’re using.
We offer a fast domestic energy rating service. So when you have your BER energy assessment issued, you will be all set to put your dwelling on the market. This might seem like an additional charge and inconvenience when you’re selling or renting your home but it could actually be of benefit to you and make it easier for you to let or sell if the building rating is better than for other properties in your area.

Understanding BER Assessors and Their Role in Energy Efficiency

Building Energy Rating (BER) assessors are certified professionals who evaluate the energy performance of residential and commercial properties. In Ireland, a BER certificate is mandatory for all homes being sold or rented, and BER assessors play a pivotal role in this process.

What is a BER Certificate?

A BER certificate provides a standardized measure of a building’s energy efficiency, similar to the energy label found on household appliances. It rates the building on a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient) and is accompanied by an advisory report that suggests ways to improve the property’s energy performance.

Why is a BER Assessment Important?

A BER assessment gives homeowners and potential buyers valuable insights into a property’s energy consumption, helping them make informed decisions. Energy-efficient homes not only reduce carbon footprints but also lead to significant savings on utility bills.

The Process of a BER Assessment

BER assessments are carried out by SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) registered assessors. They use the Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure (DEAP) software to calculate the energy required for heating, ventilation, lighting, and hot water. The assessment considers various factors, including insulation, window types, and heating systems.

**Finding a Qualified BER Assessor**

To find a qualified BER assessor, property owners can search the SEAI National Register of BER Assessors. It’s recommended to obtain quotes from multiple assessors to ensure competitive pricing and services.

Preparing for a BER Assessment

Before the assessment, homeowners should gather all relevant documents, such as details of any construction or renovation work. This helps the assessor accurately evaluate the property and provide a comprehensive advisory report.

Benefits of a BER Assessment

A BER assessment can identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved, leading to lower energy consumption and enhanced comfort. Implementing the recommended measures can increase the property’s value and appeal to environmentally conscious buyers or tenants.


BER assessors are essential in promoting energy efficiency in the built environment. By providing accurate BER certificates and practical advice, they help property owners make their homes more sustainable and cost-effective.

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