limerick Energy Rating BER

Limerick BER Assessors

Call : 0874080974

Building Energy Rating Certificates

BER assessor Limerick Energy Rating are fully SEAI accredited and able to turn around a BER assessment report within a 48 hour timeframe.

Whether you are a landlord, agent or residential property owner, we offer a professional BER assessor Limerick and Tipperary energy rating service. Use our quote calculator below to see how much your survey will cost and book a BER assessment at a time to suit you.

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BER Assessor Limerick

Limerick Energy Rating are delighted to offer you a Limerick BER cert service. Following a site visit by our SEAI registred BER Assessor Limerick we can issue you a Building Energy Rating certificate (BER CERT) indicating your home's energy performance. It is similar to the energy label for household appliances. The certificate rates the estimated energy use of your home on a scale of A-G. A-rated dwellings are the most energy efficient and will tend to have the lower energy bills. G-rated are the least efficient.

BER certs Limerick

What we survey

BER Survey Heating

Space Heating

Boilers and Emmiters

Older boilers can have a very low efficiency or working rate of only 60-65%. More modern boilers have an efficiency of 90% and more. BER assessor Limerick Energy Rating can advise you how to reduce your home heating costs.

Ber Lighting Survey

Lighting & Ventilation

bulbs and Fans

One of the easiest home owner energy improvements is replacing older bulbs with modern energy saving bulbs. LED bulbs can produce the same amount of light using 60-80% less energy than older incandescent bulbs

BER Assessor limerick

Walls & Windows

fabric first

Having your home properly insulated will result in energy saving costs.  But these savings will be reduced by bad quality windows and doors that allow drafts in and heat out. Poor quality windows and doors can cause serious heat loss. 


Limerick Energy rating

Tel: 087 4080974


BER Assessor survey

We record details of..

  • Dwelling Dimensions
  • Wall Construction
  • Windows & Doors
  • Insulation
  • Attic Insulation
  • Hot Water Cylinder
  • Lagging Jacket


..we also make note of

  • Boiler Age & Model
  • Hot Water Storage
  • Heating Controls 
  • Timers & Zones
  • Thermostats 
  • Radiator Valves
  • Heat Emitters
  • Fires and Heaters
BER survey limerick

Professional and Fast

The BER Assessor Limerick Energy Rating offer you a fast, accurate and professional BER rating service. We pride ourselves on providing friendly and informed home surveys to help you make energy savings and reduce your energy bills. 

Working hours

Monday- Friday 9:00-17:30 Hrs

We are here

Limerick Energy Rating, Rockfield House, Ballyneety North, Pallasgreen, Co Limerick, V94KXK6

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